Who We Are

We are a young non-denominational apostolic church longing to live out Authentic New Testament Christianity with a desire to develop a deep and authentic faith, build rock-solid families and impact the community around us by working together to Equip, Restore and Advance the church that Jesus Himself is building. “God has called us to empower the church to become a kingdom of priests, to follow a biblical pattern when building church and to equip the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12 ).” Our community is made out of people which are, both married and single. We are imperfect people, rescued by a perfect Saviour, growing into our God-given purpose together. We are committed to a life of love in our homes, our workplaces and our community. A core function of The Sanctuary Church is leading people into the fullness of Christ in a safe environment where one can learn, grow and make mistakes. It is also a place of collaboration, unity and fusion of gifting. Our church is passionate about developing and launching our people to live a life beyond the ordinary, to empower Christians to fulfil their God given purpose and to encourage one another to do charity work in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a Church we always ought To Inspire, encourage, empower and strengthen members to fulfil their God-given purpose. We believe this Generation is called to experience Revival in this land and in other Nations. We are called to live revived lives in order to see revival. Jesus is inviting this Generation to live lives of radical faith , radical expression of changed transformed & lifestyles that live in consecration and surrender to His Lordship, to a life that rejoices in His Holiness & Righteousness, a generation that's different!

New Life ⇔New identity

As a new Creation Our identity comes from our Father who is the Creator of Universe and Heaven and all that exists and we are His Sons created in His image with purpose and an amazing inherence. To be born again is to re – discover Gods intent for your Life and the purpose of our existence before the beginning of times.


His Church is to Have a Spiritual Family

A Church is not a building or a place you go to but rather a spiritual family where you can share in your faith in Christ, where one can be valued, respected, and celebrated as a Masterpiece of God’s Creation born in this life with a purpose and destiny, not by chance. We believe that the ministry of Jesus was and is around meeting people at their point of need and reaching out where it matters the most whether those needs are of spiritual matter or out of practical matter.
There are many questions and things which cannot be answered and dealt with by people as they can only be answered and dealt with by the One who created all life and which knows each person by name.
We believe that Jesus has never meant for His church to be limited and reduced to a Sunday meeting gathering only but rather an expression in the lifestyle that’s cultivated in a believer’s life through whom He can be expressed. Everything we do in His Name is thereof an expression of that very lifestyle. The fellowship of the spirit that we have with all our brothers and sisters in Christ cannot resume down to simply having a Sunday meeting, but should serve as a lifestyle, beginning first in our families and overflowing into all of our relationships that we have with other believers and with all people.
As the early church used every opportunity to meet and had church wherever they meet, breaking of bread(communion), dedicating time to each other for fellowship, ministering unto others, praying with one another and for one another, worshipping Him constantly, they went on about doing Good as Jesus did before them , they engaged in Kingdom Invasion activities through taking towns with The beautiful Gospel of Jesus while being Lead in the Power and Authority that they have received demonstrated through the Holy Spirit Power throughout many regions and nations were taken for Christ, which resulted in salvations, healings, supernatural acts & signs and wonders, making disciples of all nations, establishing apostolic churches and ministries in all of these places.



God has called us to empower the church to become a kingdom of priests, to follow a biblical pattern when building the church and to equip the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12).”. Our church is passionate about developing and launching our people to live a life beyond the ordinary, to empower Christians to fulfil their God given purpose and to encourage one another to do charity work in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a Church we always ought To Inspire, encourage, empower and strengthen members to fulfil their God-given purpose. We believe this Generation is called to experience Revival in this land and in other Nations. We are called to live revived lives in order to see revival. Jesus is inviting this Generation to live lives of radical faith, radical expression of changed transformed & lifestyles that live in consecration and surrender to His Lordship, to a life that rejoices in His Holiness & Righteousness, from a place of Identity and Renewal in Him. Let’s see a generation that’s different just as the generation of Joshua and Caleb who took hold of Gods Promises in their Lives!
We follow the New Testament pattern in building His church and expanding His kingdom by operating in a New Wine Skin Type of Church which Jesus has entrusted His Apostles and followers with, which is a 5-Fold Ministry Church Model as laid out in Ephesians 4:12 and followed out by every single Church in the New Testament.



Statement of Faith

About the Trinity
We believe there is only one true God, eternally existing in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each is equal in every divine attribute, executing distinct but harmonious roles in the work of creation, providence and redemption.

About God the Father
We believe in God the Father, who is infinite, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, immutable and perfect in holiness, wisdom, justice and love. We believe He is a personal God and sovereignly in the affairs of humanity and that, in His grace and mercy, He saves men and women from sin and death.

About Jesus Christ the Son
We believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, who became a man without ceasing to be God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. His life was sinless, and His death provided substitutionary atonement for the sins of humanity. We believe in His bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, and priestly intercession for all believers.

About the Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who illuminates, indwells, sanctifies and empowers all believers until the day of redemption, providing each with various gifts for service and who is an abiding helper, teacher, guide and comforter. We believe He convicts the world concerning sin, righteousness and judgment.

About the Bible
We believe the Bible is the divinely-­inspired Word of God, wholly truthful and trustworthy, pointing to life in God through Jesus Christ. God’s Word is our supreme authority and sufficient for understanding all matters of faith, doctrine and conduct. Our only resource for critical discernment in this world is the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit as He helps us understand the Bible, our source of truth. Therefore, we view Scripture as foundational for all we do. It is a resource God has graciously provided us, containing the message to humanity that He Himself put forth. It is inerrant in the original documents as God inspired men to write its contents, and infallible in the sense that it contains nothing that would lead to error, falsehood, or untruth when soundly interpreted through the Holy Spirit.

About Angels and Satan
We believe in angels of God as well as fallen angels including Satan, who fell from favor with God to become the enemy of both God and humanity. We believe Satan, who is the temporary ruler of this world, is wholly evil and is a tempter and deceiver of humanity, blinding the unregenerate with spiritual darkness. We believe believers have power through Christ over Satan and his host of demons who will eventually be judged and punished forever.

About Humanity
We believe all humanity, male and female alike, is created in the image of God, but, due to disobedience against God’s good and just authority, has incurred a sinful nature. Since the Fall of man through Adam, humanity has been sinful by nature and by choice, as well as subject to the power of Satan. We believe humanity has no power to change its fallen state, but can only be redeemed by the power of God, through Jesus Christ.

About Marriage and Leadership
We believe both the image and roles of men and women flow from the essence of God’s Trinitarian identity. There is mutual submission within the Trinity even though there are differing roles within the Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all equally and fully God, but each with different roles. Jesus submits to the Father and the Holy Spirit submits to both the Father and Jesus. We believe both Adam and Eve were created in God’s image being equal before God as persons and that the role distinctions within biblical manhood and womanhood were ordained by God as part of His creation before the Fall, and were not a result of sin. We believe both the Old Testament and the New Testament reveal the equally high value and dignity created by God in the distinct roles of men and women within marriage and the church.

About Salvation, Sanctification and Manifestation
We believe salvation is the work of spiritual regeneration obtained only by the sovereign grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ as a result of His bodily death and resurrection where He paid the penalty for sin. He offers forgiveness and eternal life to those who repent from their sin and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. Furthermore, there is no meritorious effort of any kind that anyone can do to receive God’s gift of salvation. We believe the Holy Spirit illuminates the heart of an unbeliever to seek God, and at the time of conversion, He indwells and seals the believer, guaranteeing the believer’s eternal inheritance as a child of God. We believe it is the work of the Holy Spirit to sanctify and fill/empower the believer as the believer learns to live in/by the Holy Spirit for lifelong spiritual growth. We believe even though a believer experiences the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit at conversion, they do not necessarily experience the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit or the filling/empowering work of the Holy Spirit at conversion. The sanctifying and filling/empowering work of the Holy Spirit is experienced as one pursues the fullness of life in the Holy Spirit. We believe the initial filling of the Holy Spirit and the ongoing pursuit of more filling should manifest itself through the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We believe all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the church today as they were for the early church.

About the Church
We believe the church, called the body of Christ, is made up of all true believers worldwide. We believe in the local assembly of believers for the purpose of community, commission and compassion. We believe each member of the body is responsible to submit to Christ’s headship, as well as to one another, striving to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, loving one another and seeking to be used of God in service, employing their spiritual gifts to further the cause of Christ.

Community Celebrations
We believe Jesus Christ instituted two celebrations that all believers are to observe: water baptism and communion, which flow from a healthy community committed to prayer and to worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe church is to be a house of prayer and worship going after God’s heart and presence so the church can be empowered to accomplish the mission God has given it. We believe water baptism symbolizes and identifies believers with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, bearing public testimony of their belief in Him. We believe in baptism by immersion after conversion. We believe communion is a celebration of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross where the bread symbolizes His sacrificed body and the cup symbolizes the new covenant in His blood. As we partake in communion we celebrate His active presence while longing for His future return.

About Last Things, the Church and Israel
We believe in the personal, imminent, earthly return of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish His kingdom forever. We believe in the bodily resurrection and judgment of all humanity, believers to eternal life in the presence of God, and unbelievers to everlasting punishment and separation from God. We believe the gracious free gift of salvation that comes through Jesus is equally offered to all Gentiles and Jews, and that all who belong to Christ are Abraham’s children and heirs to God’s promises. We believe the church neither is separate from Israel nor does it replace Israel, but that the church is made up of the remnant of Christ-followers who are Jews and Gentiles. We believe in a future hope for the nation of Israel and that the church should show mercy to Jews and Israel, while not necessarily supporting all political positions of the nation Israel.

Church Leadership

Christian Morar

Apostolic Overall Leader
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Anca Morar

Lead Intercessor & Worship Leader
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Eugen Efros

Leadership Team
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Linda Macovaz

Leadership Team
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Florian Morar

Leadership Team
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