Ndbuisi Philips – Power of Praying in the Sprit !

Sermon Description Ndbuisi Philips – Power of Praying in the Sprit !

Anca Morar – The Importance of Obedience !

Sermon Description Anca Morar – The Importance of Obedience !

Eugen Efros – Modern Church vs Early Church

Sermon Description Eugen Efros – Modern Church vs Early Church

Cristina Philips – Renewing Your Mind

Sermon Description Cristina Philips – Renewing Your Mind

Ndbuisi Philips – The Spoken Word

Sermon Description Ndbuisi Philips – The Spoken Word

Christian Morar – Authority of the Believer part 1

Sermon Description Christian Morar – Authority of the Believer part 1 06.06.21

Linda Macovaz – Ministry of Angels – 30.05.21

Sermon Description Linda Macovaz – Ministry of Angels – 30.05.21

Eugen Efros – Seasons !

Sermon Description Eugen Efros – Followers vs Disciples of Christ !

Ndbuisi Philips – Soul Winning !

Sermon Description Ndbuisi Philips – Soul Winning – 09.05.21

Evin Turley – Abiding !

Sermon Description Evin Turley  – Abiding in Him !

Eugen Efros – Followers vs Disciples of Christ !

Sermon Description Eugen Efros – Followers vs Disciples of Christ !


Sermon Description A Message on Faith !

Fruits of the Spirit vs Fruits of the Flesh!

Sermon Description A Sermon On – Fruits of the Spirit vs Fruits of the Flesh!

Meaning of Easter !

Sermon Description A Sermon On – Meaning of Easter

Building this Temple

Sermon Description A Sermon On – God Building His Temple!

When God Answers

Sermon Description When God Answers !


Sermon Description A Sermon on – Life over Our Dreams in God!

Start of Revival !

Sermon Description A Message on the Start of Revival and its Characteristics and we can prepare and align for it as a church !

Power to Forgive

Sermon Description A Message of direction and alignment for New Season we are in and importance of letting go !!

Sowing & Reaping Principles of Gods Releasing Favor!

Sermon Description A Message on the principles of Sowing and Reaping and releasing Gods Abundance in your Life!

Prophetic School

Marriage & Relationships Seminars

Breaking Ground Ireland