Evangelism & Outreach Ministry
The Kingdom Approach to Evangelism
Jesus never went empty headed to People, he always had healing available to people, or words of & encouragement, or prophetic words of direction that has impacted the lives of all the people that he has meet. He meet people are their point of need and satisfied those needs accordingly. We believe evangelism is at the very heart and centre of Jesus Ministry, in where the approach is important. Jesus wants to satisfy the needs of people and meet them at their point of need. Jesus had both a practical & spiritual led ministry and evangelism satisfied both needs.
Reaching Out To people
Reaching out to People through Street Evangelism & outreach
Reaching out to people in the Market People – In the believers Jobs
Reaching out to people in their circle of influence: family, friends, personal contacts & connections
The Holy Spirit knows who Jesus wants to touch in a particular day or setting, it’s not based on human intellect. But through prayer the plan and intent of the heart of Jesus is revealed by the Holy Spirit. We take the approach of always praying so things can be revealed, situations, needs and specific people that He wants to touch whether on a particular Day or set time.
The Approach to Evangelism & Outreach: Conviction – Love – Spiritual Gifts
The prophetic Gift and Healings Gifts in particular are tools that can open the heart of an Individual and allow the connection between that person and Jesus to take place. That’s how people can encounter the Supernatural Presence of Jesus and experience His love and Power.
Answering the spiritual and practical needs of the individual regardless whether they are practical needs or spiritual needs. The Evangelism acts as the connector source between Jesus and people.
Relation and involvement in the Life of the Kingdom
New converts and Disciples of Christ need to be plugged into the Life of the Body of Christ.
Jesus was very relational in His approach to people. Often time we see Jesus, eating & fellow-shipping with people in their homes or different social circles and gatherings. This as an important core part of His ministry the relational element.
We believe this to be the best approach when it comes to building His kingdom in that people that come to Christ need to be in relation and fellowship with other believers. We believe evangelism and outreach ministry without staying connected with those people to not only be ineffective but also not very biblical sound.
We believe that believers are not just called to bring People to Christ but also to disciple them to be followers and Disciples of Christ Jesus walking in His Footsteps doing His same works. Discipleship is at the heart of what it means to be a believers in Christ Jesus. We believe Discipleship it’s jointly knit & with evangelism – inseparable.