Healing & Deliverance Ministry
We believe in the Supernatural Power of Jesus to Heal the Sick, the oppressed & depressed, the heartbroken, His Power is available to us to Cast out Demons, and to heal the sick in any of the 3 part area of their being: Spirit, Soul & Body.
Every single believe in the Body of Christ is called to do 3 Things as part of the commissioning which Jesus has asked us to do in His Name:
Preach the Gospel – Luke 9:2
Heal The Sick & Cast Out Demons – Luke 9:2
Raise Disciples out of all nations – Matthew 28:19
While many churches & Ministries may focus on a single aspect of the great commissioning, we believe the great commissioning is for every believer in Christ Jesus and applies first and foremost to any person that receives Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
The Great Commissioning is the Ministry of the Believer, not of the church or of The Leaders, but of every single Believer that calls Jesus His Own Lord and Saviour has not just the authority to heal the Sick & cast out demons but the actual delegated right to do so.
Every Believer in Christ Jesus is commissioned by Christ to heal the Sick & Cast out Demons
There is Those who want to fulfil their mandate and fulfil their great commissioning as a disciple of Christ. The Healing Ministry is open to all believers regardless of their inherited belief systems, this it doesn’t change His word on this matter.
We are invited together by Jesus Himself to Heal the Sick & and to Cast out Demons.
And Jesus delegates this authority directly to His Disciples (before they were apostles) Luke 9:1-2 and 6 Luke 10:9, 17 . So therefore any Believer that is in Christ Jesus has been given both: the right to Use the Name of Jesus, and second to actually heal the Sick & to cast out Demons.
Those who have gifts of healing and have been called in the Healing & Miracle Ministry – (1 Corinthians 12:9-10) – (1 Corinthians 12:28)
Miracle Workers
Gifts of Healing
The Role of The Healing & Deliverance Ministry is to
To Support Other Ministries
The Healing Ministry is both a Covering Ministry and a Support Ministry.
It assists the Pastoral Ministry, The Evangelism Ministry, and it links with the Prophetic & Intercessory Ministry.
To Support People with Personal Healing
- Spiritual Healing
- Relational Healing
- Healing from Demonization
- Inner Healing/Emotional Healing
- Counseling
- Physical Healing
For Equipping of Saints to the Healing & Deliverance Ministry
We partner with other healing & Deliverance ministries for the purpose Of Equipping Believers in the Area of Ministry for Healing, Deliverance and miracle